If you have idle cash sitting in brokerage accounts waiting for buying opportunities, you might be missing out on yield you could be getting from cash funds. With inflation running
Tag: Syfe
I just received an email from Syfe informing clients about a few re-optimisation actions taken on Core portfolios as part of Syfe’s semi-annual exercise. Key changes in this re-optimisation exercise:
Over the past few months, I’ve been looking for the best option (for me) in Singapore to invest in REITs. I wanted a passive, simple and affordable way to gain
Syfe just updated via email about a rebalancing of REIT+ portfolio in line with the semi-annual review of iEdge S-REIT Leaders Index this month. Below is the updated REIT+ constituent
If you’re looking to invest into Singapore real estate investment trusts (S-REIT), is it better to invest directly into individual S-REITs or an SGX-listed REIT exchange-traded funds (ETF)? S-REITs There
Syfe is a Singapore-based robo-advisor offering several portfolios under their Syfe Wealth platform. Syfe offers investors a low-barrier and fuss-free way to invest and build wealth, which can be done
If you want to gain exposure to real estate assets through REIT funds, which one(s) would you invest in? In this post, I’m comparing between robo-advisor Syfe’s REIT+ portfolio (technically
If you want to gain exposure to the real estate sector but have limited capital and don’t want to spend hours trying to pick individual real estate investment trusts (REIT),
If you’re interested to start investing in the US stock market but only willing to dip your toes in with a few hundred bucks or less, Syfe Trade might suit