Sharing some data and charts derived from SSB info from MAS website. Hope you find it useful too.
As interest rates increase, interest in SSB has also increased. It has been difficult to get allocated SSB in the past few months to lock-in the higher interest rates.
I decided to track SSB rates and allocation for the following reasons:
- Help me decide whether to apply SSB or other fixed income instruments
- Whether it is worth redeeming earlier SSB and try to get newer ones with higher interest
- How much I can reasonable expect to get allocated
Sharing this info in case others find it useful, since I’m tracking it anyway.
By the way, all info can be found on MAS website if you want to track it on your own too.
I’ve put a portion of our family emergency fund into SSB so that it doesn’t fall too far behind inflation. Will still keep the rest in cash for immediate emergency use.
Also intend to help put some of my parents’ savings into SSB for the flexibility and since the interest rates are more attractive than bank fixed deposits.
Inflation is still running hot so the US Fed might continue to hike rates aggressively, pushing SSB yields higher in coming months. Since we can redeem SSB early without penalty, there’s the option of doing that and applying for higher yielding SSB later on subject to allotments.
So far, competition for SSB has been fierce. If you have more than $200K to deploy into fixed income instruments, you can also look into T-bills or bank FDs but maybe not SGS bonds since interest rates are rising fast. See my previous comparison here.
My previous posts on SSB:
- Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) June 2024: 3.33% Yield, Third Highest in Recent Times
- Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) Nov 2023 – Applied $10K, Redeemed $20K, Estimated Dec SSB Yield
- The Everything Sell-Off: Time to Buy S-REITs and Bonds?
- Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) Oct 2023 – 3.16% Yield Finally Worth Considering Again
- Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) Aug 2023 – Yield Might Increase Further Next Month But Likely To Peak Soon
Kyith from Investment Moats tracks SSB yields every month too and gives more details if you want to find out more.
Also, if you know of other blogs/sites tracking SSB info above please share so I don’t end up doing duplicate work. 🙂