
I’ve listed the important information I think investors should keep in mind and the steps newer investors can take to get started in investing.

As I write more detailed posts on these individual topics, I’ll link the posts in this guide as I go along. I hope this guide will be useful for new and seasoned investors alike.

How to Start Investing in Stocks for Beginners (PDF ebook)

What I cover in this ebook:

  • What are stocks?
  • Why invest in stocks?
  • The most important thing in investing
  • Which stocks to buy?
  • How to analyze stocks & funds
  • How to buy stocks

To access the ebook, simply sign up with your email below and I’ll send a link to the pdf ebook directly to your inbox.

Step-by-Step Investing Guide

TL;DR – How To Start Investing In Stocks (For Beginners)

  1. Introduction – Why invest in the stock market?
  2. Prepare – 5 Basic Things to Consider Before Investing in the Stock Market
  3. Plan – How To Create An Asset Allocation Plan
  4. Setup – Open and fund a brokerage account (see my Resources page for suggestions)
  5. Maintenance – Track and review

My Core Investing Principles

  1. Only invest what you can afford to lose
  2. Keep it simple, buy and hold, let compounding do its thing
  3. Don’t try to time the market, leave that to the experts
  4. Use short-selling, leverage, and derivatives with caution, or not at all
  5. Don’t try to catch falling knives
  6. Only invest in what you can understand, otherwise indexing is your friend
  7. Business fundamentals first, valuations or technical analysis come later
  8. Review and rebalance, but not too often
  9. If you’re losing sleep over investments, you’re taking too much risk
  10. Let the stock market do its job, get a life!

Personal Finance Guide

6 steps to building wealth:

  1. Set goals- retirement planning
  2. Budget
  3. Save
  4. Insure
  5. Contribute (CPF)
  6. Invest

For more details, read my post on 6 Steps To Building Wealth

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Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. I am not professional financial advisor nor do I work in the finance industry. Anything I write here is purely my personal opinion. Please do your own research and due diligence before investing into anything. All investments come with associated risks. Best to consult a financial advisor if you’re still unsure.